Hello and welcome to our site!
We hope you explore what we have exhibited here. Below is a little more about us. We, Peter and Alea, feel so Blessed in our marriage as husband and wife to have each other, along with complementary Faith, talents, and dreams. As stewards of such, we've put together this humble website to share some of our creative inspirations with you. Our site is here to inspire and cultivate an awareness that The Creator God Loves YOU!
In all the vastness of the universe there's no one like you and you're valuable to Him… more than the most beautiful music, most breathtaking landscapes or most endearing creatures. Consider even for just a moment, that He Made you, He Cares for you, He Loves you, and Wants only the best for you. Overwhelming since we're living in a world that's full of hurt. Through Holy Spirit, we pursue deepening our relationship with The Creator as His Glory Fills the heavens and the earth.