"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."
Mathew 10:16 KJV
I always enjoy beholding the exquisite workmanship of our Creator God in the many reptiles He Has Placed on this Earth. Having grown up with pet turtles and lizards, I have such an appreciation for their rather intricate personalities, and the remarkable intelligence in them, often disregarded by many, They are incredibly aware and careful in their natural surroundings, including snakes. They are very sensitive to vibrations and movement, and when danger comes they are extremely swift and prudent to find safety.
In the verse from Mathew, Jesus' statement regarding snakes is profound: these beautiful creatures are to be respected and learned from, as they set an example of being wise and smart against the world's deceptions, and to avoid gullibility and exercise caution. These innocent animals are not the same as, and have nothing to do with, the serpent that agreed to Satan's plan in the Garden of Eden. These animals are like all of God's Creation: they point to His Incredible Beauty.